Oh, to love and be loved

Blooming Sweet

For a school project, We were tasked to create a sculpture using recycled materials that will describe our personality.The sculpture I’ve made is a pink gradient cake that is placed on a grass base that is decorated with cottage core elements. Green crepe paper was also added for texture. It is a 2-tier cake that is 11 inches in height. The cake is pink because it is my spirit color. Each of the roses was handcrafted. A cake is something sweet that is given on special occasions. It is something that is made to cheer a person up. The cake might be simple to look at, but each of the designs and colors holds a deeper meaning. The cake resonates with my personality because I am an individual who is sweet and affectionate. I also added some nature elements because I find calmness and peace outside. Roses are a symbol of love and appreciation, while sunflowers are a symbol of loyalty and adoration. These symbols greatly describe my core values because I am extremely expressive of my love and adoration for the people I love, I would always support them when they need help or comfort. I’m also very vocal about my love and will always remind my loved ones that I adore them. I am also extremely loyal to the extent that no matter how much pain a person gives me, I will still stay and never leave their side. I’m also extremely tolerant because no matter how bad or difficult a person to be with, I will still find ways to see the good in them. Little things also make me happy and smile too.I like the overall design of the cake sculpture I’ve made since it’s a reflection of all the things I like, but the part that stood out to me the most is the flowers because I am a person who finds flowers therapeutic. Whenever I see flowers, it makes me feel relaxed. The materials I used for the sculpture were cardboard, carton, paper mache, cornstarch, flour, glue, paper, scotch brite, crepe paper, acrylic, and seafood shells. I used these materials since it is very accessible and can be accessed in our house. The sculpture also highlights color, emphasis, balance, texture, and harmony. The cake sculpture that I made is my dream cake for my birthday. I’ve made a cake because it represents my hope for better days. This project is extremely emotional for me since, to be honest, I struggle to find the motivation to live every day, I also find it difficult to find my true purpose. A cake is sweet, and it is something that provides me joy so every time I see it, It reminds me to be happy.Just like the creativeness of the cake, As a student, I believe that I am creative. Just like the roses, I am appreciative of the creations of my classmates. I believe that we should at least try to show how proud we are to our classmates or even to people that we know in general because hearing “ I am proud of you” increases a person's self-esteem and makes them feel appreciated and loved. Just like the symbolism of the flowers, as a family member, I believe that I am extremely patient, tolerant, and loving because even though most of our times together are difficult, I still find ways to see their brighter side. Lastly, as a friend, I am also loyal and loving like the sunflowers since I will do everything in my power to help you and I will never leave your side nor replace you.

19 | Production Design student | DLS-CSB💚

Hallowie! I suck at writing introductions but oh well here it goes. Hello again! my artist name is “Mikay” which is the combination of my irl nickname, Kay and my second name, Mae. I would like to describe myself as a hopeless romantic because I believe that love is something that makes the world goes around; Hatred is also born from love, as much as others believe that love is “weak”, I actually consider it as something powerful.In real life, I may appear as very soft and I only talk around people whom I am comfortable with, but I am really good with children and animals💗Contrary to the opinion of most people, I would like to to have children of my own someday and take care of one ragdoll and a lot of dogs. I actually take care of four dogs right now, It may be tiring physically but I rather be physically tired than to be mentally tired.I actually have 2 artstyles , one that shows my softness and cutesy side and one that shows my pent - up anger.I was actually clinically diagnosed with something related to anger which I’m not going to talk about deeper but I really find it comforting when I create vent art. I’m currently studying in La Salle Benilde now as a Scholar (hopefully I can maintain it until I graduate), I really wished to have my own stuffed toy business someday , I also want to direct or be a part of the production team of thriller movies because thriller is one of my fave genres.

Other Samples!

My Vagina is Dead

My Vagina is Dead is a symbolism type of art that is about how vaginas experience tragedy that will push them to their darkest, similar to death, but they will still blossom with flowers that will give beauty to their scars; Women for thousands of years would often undergo opression by society due to gender equality. The vagina in this art symbolizes the ability of a woman to adapt to harmful experiences, just like how a vagina can stretch out to accommodate foreign objects. While the teeth in this art symbolize that even though a woman is often underestimated, a hidden strength or power lies within her, the eye symbolizes that a woman is naturally observant. Lastly, the flowers symbolize the beauty that every woman possesses and the beauty of the good things that she can impart to others.

In my Mind

The grief I feel within
Relentlessly takes over me
I continue to lose myself
Every second
Every minute and
Every hour
It doesn't even matter anymore;
Time has already stopped
I'm forever stuck in the jail of agony
In darkness,
I could never find the light
Always at the beginning
but never-ending
Hilarious how people get sorrowful
if something would reach its end
when I always wished
that I would end

Modern Set Design with a twist for Rolin Obina’s Ang Mga Bata Sa Selda.